Union Members Demand Company Back Off Retirement Concessions
EUGENE, Ore., Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — At 12:00 a.m. this morning, members of Teamsters Local 324 and 206 walked off the job as part of an unfair labor practice (ULP) strike at Bigfoot Beverages facilities in Coos Bay, Eugene, Roseberg, and Newport, Ore.
“Bigfoot is trying to destroy workers’ retirement security. The greedy CEOs running this company are running their mouths about how Bigfoot’s pathetic, garbage offer is the best option available for our members,” said Chris R. Muhs, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 324. “This company is trying to destroy Teamsters pensions and replace it with a costlier, riskier 401(k) plan.”
The Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Trust, which the workers are currently a part of, has over $30 billion in assets and is the largest multi-employer pension plan in the United States. The benefits workers receive are completely funded by employers. Under the proposal from Bigfoot Beverages, one of the largest soft drink and alcohol distributors in the Pacific Northwest, the company would only guarantee nine percent of workers’ gross pay.
“We’re not going to be appeased by the crumbs Bigfoot tosses our way,” Geoff Stewart, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 206. “They can’t get us to flush our pensions down the drain for a one-time cash offer of $2,500. Bigfoot’s proposal is a monstrous insult to our intelligence.”
“I’ve lived with union pay and benefits for more than 27 years,” said Les Mabe, a worker at the Newport facility. “This is what I know, this is who I am. I plan on retiring as a union worker, with the financial security of a pension.”
In stark contrast to the company’s brand as a magnanimous community ally, Bigfoot has retained one of the most notorious anti-union law firms in the country, Fisher Phillips.
“Being a good community partner starts with being a good employer,” said Mark Davison, Teamsters Western Region International Vice President and Teamsters Joint Council 37 President. “Bigfoot needs to do that by dropping the unreasonable, concessionary demand that our members jeopardize their retirement security.”
Teamsters Joint Council 37 represents workers in Oregon, Southwest Washington, and Idaho. For more information, go to jcteamsters37.com/
Media Contact:
Matt McQuaid, (202) 624-6877
[email protected]
SOURCE Teamsters Joint Council 37

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