$500,000 Funding Supports Technology, Business Model, and Policy Pilot Projects to Reduce Congestion and Pollution, While Strengthening the American Economy and Entrepreneurship 9 U.S. cities in CA, FL, KY, NY, PA, OR, and D.C. participating, […]
Tag: Environmental Issues
Novelis successfully tests industrial scale use of hydrogen in a recycling furnace
ZURICH, Feb. 20, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — Novelis Inc., a leading sustainable aluminium solutions provider and world leader in aluminium rolling and recycling, today announced that it has successfully tested using hydrogen fuel to power a recycling […]
CreateMe Technologies and The University of Warwick Pioneer Breakthrough in Reversible Adhesive Technology that will Drastically Reduce Apparel’s Environmental Impact USA – English USA – English
Integrated within CreateMe’s advanced robotic systems, this invention minimizes manufacturing costs while drastically reducing environmental impact by embedding circularity directly into the manufacturing process to reduce waste and emissions by reusing, recycling, and recovering materials. […]
Enerkem anuncia la aprobación del proyecto Ecoplanta
– El proyecto Ecoplanta recibe aprobación: un gran paso adelante con la innovadora tecnología de conversión de residuos en metanol de Enerkem MONTREAL, 30 de enero de 2025 /PRNewswire/ — Enerkem, proveedor global de tecnología […]
La COP16 s’achève sur une action accélérée et l’ambition de lutter contre la dégradation des sols et la sécheresse
Le programme d’action de Riyad fournit une rampe de lancement pour l’engagement international Plus de 12 milliards de dollars pour des initiatives de restauration des terres et de résilience à la sécheresse Le partenariat mondial […]