PITTSBURGH, March 17, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — “I thought there could be a better way to display a flag so it doesn’t drag on the ground,” said an inventor, from Enterprise, Ore., “so I invented the DONT DRAG OUR FLAG. My design would elevate and raise the flag for a more attractive and proper display.”
The patent-pending invention ensures that the flag is properly and attractively displayed. In doing so, it raises the flag to prevent it from dragging on the ground. The invention features a sturdy and nearly indestructible design that easily inserts within the ground. Additionally, it can be used to display various flags, especially the American flag.
The DONT DRAG OUR FLAG invention is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, visit www.dontdragourflag.com. Or contact Neal Williams at 330-336-0809 or email [email protected].
SOURCE InventHelp