

CHICAGO, March 14, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — Today, DuPage County Sheriff and Gubernatorial Candidate Sheriff James Mendrick, announced that he has selected entrepreneur, nonviolence evangelist, and community activist Dr. Robert J. Renteria as his running mate for Lieutenant Governor.

“Dr. Renteria works outside the correctional institutions to accomplish what I attempt for inmates inside–to give them inspiration and hope for rehabilitation by helping them optimize success through resources like educational opportunity and mentorship,” said Mendrick.

Dr. Robert Renteria grew to prominence after publishing his first book, From the Barrio to the Board Room, in which he shared his harrowing story of escaping the gang life in East L.A. Dr. Renteria was raised in abject poverty in an environment where gang violence was inevitable and with a father who was a heroin addict and alcoholic. When he found his father dead on skid row, he realized he wanted more from his life. Renteria joined the military. He said he learned about duty, honor, country, and character in the next seven years, which put him on a straight path. After his honorable discharge as a non-commissioned officer, he left the toxic barrio behind for Illinois where he found a job selling commercial washers and dryers. His tireless efforts in the industry earned him a promotion to V.P. of the publicly-traded company on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) within five years. He then decided to start his own business, and in just three years he was the number one laundry equipment distribution company in the U.S. His full-time mission is now to change the landscape for our youth in Illinois.

“I am honored to accept Mendrick’s appointment as his running mate,” said Dr. Renteria. “For two decades I’ve used my life story to show others that the real secrets to success are hard work, determination, and education,” he said. “Sheriff Mendrick has done an admirable job with our law enforcement, and we are both more interested in prevention over intervention when it comes to reducing crime and recidivism.”

Since his book’s release in 2008, Dr. Renteria has adapted his life story as a teaching tool for youth to use as a blueprint to living a nonviolent, productive life. His graphic novel Mi Barrio and the Little Barrio activity coloring book reach elementary-age students to children as young as pre-K with his message. He also co-developed and donated a middle and high-school curriculum with Chicago Public Schools that aligns with the Illinois State learning standards. Dr. Renteria also donated the curriculum to faith-based programs to spread his message of nonviolence. His story has been immortalized in a cartoon character called Kid Barrio, as well as Spanish translations, an audio book, theatrical presentations, and a future Latino, Christian, mission-based film in pre-production with Intrigue Films. Dr. Renteria partners with governmental, academic, faith, and corporate partners to promote non-violence, and worked with Sheriff Mendrick to distribute his book to inmates and serve as a one-on-one mentor with the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated.

“Sheriff Mendrick and I are also both involved citizens who operate independently of the political machine and want to prioritize the people of the State of Illinois over politics. Working together, we can curb crime and allow our children to spread their wings and fly like the angels God intended them to be,” Dr. Renteria said.

Renteria was the first Latino in the world to receive two National Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Awards for his work as a civil rights leader and a Latino voice in educational reform. He was also the first Latino in the world to receive the Outstanding Humanitarian Award from Central Asia Institute for promoting global peace and education. The distinction earned him an International Honorary Doctorate for Humanities and Academics from Ibero/Americano University, Mexico City. He has appeared on numerous television and podcast shows and has received numerous awards including Chicago’s Latino Business Professional of the Year, Chicago’s Who’s Who Hispanic Leaders, the Ambassador for Peace Award from the United Peace Federation and the Interreligious Federation for World Peace, the Hero of the World award by the WBC-World Boxing Council, and the Meticulous Martial Arts Mastermind (MMAM) Hall of Fame Award for Motivational Speaker of the Year. His program has been endorsed by the World Boxing Council, spreading his message to 176 countries worldwide.

Contact Robert [email protected] or visit his site at fromthebarrio.com. Follow Sheriff James Mendrick’s and Dr. Robert Renteria’s campaigns, visit the campaign website.

SOURCE Dr. Robert Renteria

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