City of Vallejo Pays Nearly  Million Settlement for Whistleblower Retaliation

City of Vallejo Pays Nearly $3 Million Settlement for Whistleblower Retaliation

Vallejo pays $1.85 M to Slater Matzke and Will Morat, in addition to the $1M previously paid to Joanna Altman to settle claims of whistleblower retaliation.

OAKLAND, Calif., Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The City of Vallejo has agreed to pay former Special Advisor to the City Manager Slater Matzke and former Assistant to the City Manager Will Morat $1.85 M. Together with former Assistant to the City Manager Joanna Altman, the pair sued after they were terminated in April 2020.  Before the trio were forced to resort to litigation, the city refused to acknowledge the illegal action and restore their employment with the City.   Thereafter, the City fought the lawsuit for over four years.  The City had previously agreed to pay Altman $1 M.  This brings the total paid by Vallejo to the wrongfully fired whistleblowers to $2.85 M.