ITMO Ltd and BancTrust Investment Bank Limited Announce the Offering of the World’s First Sovereign Carbon Credits from the Republic of Suriname under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

ITMO Ltd and BancTrust Investment Bank Limited Announce the Offering of the World’s First Sovereign Carbon Credits from the Republic of Suriname under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

This is a historic moment for the carbon markets, as these are the first UNFCCC Paris Agreement authorised Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) netted at national level, providing global atmospheric integrity and national co-benefits: biodiversity, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), economic, social and governance benefits to the local and indigenous communities in Suriname.

LONDON, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — ITMO Ltd and BancTrust Investment Bank Limited (BancTrust) have announced, together with the Republic of Suriname, the offering (1.5 mtCO2e) of the world’s first UNFCCC Paris Agreement authorised ITMOs verified under Article 6. These are carbon reduction ITMOs vintage 2021 that represent rainforest conservation for the whole country of Suriname and come after 3 years of due process and due diligence with Suriname and the UNFCCC.